Category: Cyber Law

Cyber Law

Cybersquatting – A Menace in Digital India

Cybersquatting – A Menace in Digital India

Domain names are the most important assets in today’s digital era. All companies ensure that their domain names co-relate with their respective trademarks. It helps the consumer correlate and identify the company based on their trademark. But what does that have to do with cybersquatting?

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Oracle’s nightmare doesn’t get overturned; looses a $9bn claim to Google and much more

Oracle’s nightmare doesn’t get overturned; looses a $9bn claim to Google and much more

U.S District Court has denied Rule 50 motion to overturn the jury verdict, that “Google’s use of Java API(Application Programming Interfaces)was fair use”. The six year old battle started with oracle already having proven the infringement by Google in the previous suit. Oracle’s Contention was

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