Category: Design Registration

AI revolves Industrial Design

AI revolves Industrial Design

A design is that aspect of a product that constitutes its ornamental or visual features. The impact and protection of industrial design through artificial intelligence. It plays a crucial role in distinguishing a product from others in trade and depending on how appealing it is, increases

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How to satisfy the ‘novelty’ condition while registering a design?

How to satisfy the ‘novelty’ condition while registering a design?

Designs are the visual features of objects, something that is solely perceived by the eye. It could be the shape, color, arrangement of lines, surface patterns, or any combination thereof. In India, Designs are protected under the Designs Act, 2000.

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Piracy of registered Design

Piracy of registered Design

In this blog, we explain the acts that amount to piracy of registered designs along with important case laws. We also provide the remedies available to the registered proprietor against such infringement.

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Industrial Design Registration Process

Industrial Design Registration Process

In this blog, we take a look into the design registration process in India.

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Design Registration in India

Design Registration in India

The owner gets exclusive rights against any unauthorized copying or imitation when they register their design. It can also help make the product more saleable, helping consumers identify the product with the brand. For a design to be registered under the Design Act, 2000, it

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Industrial Design Registration and why are they Important

Industrial Design Registration and why are they Important

  INDUSTRIAL DESIGN REGISTRATION AND WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT In the present visual driven consumerist world, the show of an item turns out to be similarly significant as the brand if not more. By and large, a client is bound to pick an item that

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