Category: Copyright

Protecting Software Innovation in India

Protecting Software Innovation in India

Introduction Software refers to a compilation of instructions, data, or programs designed to operate machinery and execute specific tasks. The realm of software serves as the driving force behind modern efficiency and innovation in various industries, relying on intricate instructions and programs to accomplish specific

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Protection of Jewellery

Protection of Jewellery

Protecting jewellery with the aid of intellectual property rights is a topic of interest which sparks curiosity. While copyright is concerned with the creative part of jewellery, design is concerned with the shape, configuration, pattern, and mix of lines or colours in two or three-dimensional

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OTT Platforms and Digital Piracy

OTT Platforms and Digital Piracy

The advancement of technology has brought sweeping changes to the broadcasting industry. The increase in internet penetration and demand for on-the-spot entertainment have allowed the Over the Top (OTT) broadcasting industry to prosper. When audio or video content is streamed directly through the internet, it

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Copyright Registration in India

Copyright Registration in India

Copyright Registration in India ensures legal protection to the creators of original works. Copyright is a kind of intellectual property right which grants exclusive rights to the creator of the original work. In India, the protection of copyright is governed by the Copyright Act, 1957.

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Tricky Tattoo

Tricky Tattoo

Understanding Copyright How would you define copyright? In simple word, the term “copyright” is a combination of the two words, i.e., “copy” and “right,” which means “right to copy.” In other words, it gives the copyright owner the exclusive right to make copies of the work, and to exercise the

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Music Piracy

Music Piracy

Music is an artistic work which is subject to copyright protection. Music lovers can now effortlessly stream music from anywhere in the world. Even in restaurants, bars, and lounges, the music is played to entertain their customers, whether by employing DJs or playing music through sound systems. However, copyright

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Protection of Cultural Heritage

Protection of Cultural Heritage

There are two types of cultural heritage, tangible and intangible. Tangible heritage includes heritage sites like historical temples, palaces etc, artifacts and archaeological sites and intangible heritage includes stories passed on orally through generations, traditional handicrafts, rituals, knowledge based on use of flora and fauna

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Safeguarding Musical Work

Safeguarding Musical Work

Copyright infringement disrupts the exclusive right of the copyright holder, who is usually the music producer in the case of musical works, to gain commercial benefits from their copyright protected works. Copyright involves the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the original work.

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Santa Claus at free zone

Santa Claus at free zone

The question which arises, if the character of Santa Claus is so widely used and to gain commercially benefits by attracting consumers, then who owns it and how is the intellectual property rights of the proprietor protected.

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Securing Original Photographs

Securing Original Photographs

Photographs are under the subject matter of copyright which means that photographs are artistic works that attract copyright protection.

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