Category: Media & Entertainment

75th Republic Day

75th Republic Day

Today, 26th January 2024, marks the 75th Republic Day. It is a momentous occasion that marks the adoption of the Constitution of India on January 26, 1950. It is a time to honour the principles of Justice, Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity that form the bedrock

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OTT Platforms and Digital Piracy

OTT Platforms and Digital Piracy

The advancement of technology has brought sweeping changes to the broadcasting industry. The increase in internet penetration and demand for on-the-spot entertainment have allowed the Over the Top (OTT) broadcasting industry to prosper. When audio or video content is streamed directly through the internet, it

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Kim Kardashian wins lawsuit against fashion brand

Kim Kardashian wins lawsuit against fashion brand

Earlier this year, the reality-TV star turned business-woman Kim Kardashian West initiated proceedings against Missguided in California. Her case was based on the claims that Misguided was infringing her trademark rights, and on US laws protecting her right to publicity. The suit was brought in

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Nintendo’s on the apex of a change and the illustrious game maker may shortly unlock the huge potential of its intellectual property in the remunerative mobile gaming space. Nintendo’s Pokémon GO isn’t solely an amplifying accomplishment but also a global phenomenon. Pokémon GO is perfect

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Television Giants gain victory over Digital TV boxes

Television Giants gain victory over Digital TV boxes

The Federal Court Canada has ordered an interim ban on the sale of Digital set-top boxes that come preloaded with copyrighted contents.  BCE Inc., Rogers Communications Inc. and Quebecor Inc.’s Videotron Ltd,  teamed up to take legal action against five defendants namely:, My Electronics,

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