Category: Patent

Patent Search

Patent Search

What is a prior-art search? Prior art, the term mostly used during patent applications, is used to describe all information available in the public domain before the priority or filling date of the patent application. This information is related to the patent applications. Prior art

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Protecting Biotechnology

Protecting Biotechnology

Biotechnology-the word suggests that this is biological advancement based on technology. The topic of interest is related to both the cellular and molecular aspects of biological objects. Biotechnological advancements have strong implications in the pharmaceutical and food industries as well as in genetic modifications in

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Protecting Software Innovation in India

Protecting Software Innovation in India

Introduction Software refers to a compilation of instructions, data, or programs designed to operate machinery and execute specific tasks. The realm of software serves as the driving force behind modern efficiency and innovation in various industries, relying on intricate instructions and programs to accomplish specific

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Fingerprint Recognition Patent: Security in Biometric Device

Fingerprint Recognition Patent: Security in Biometric Device

In a world driven by technology, securing sensitive information while accessing various digital systems has become crucial. Fingerprint recognition, a form of biometric technology, has emerged as a reliable and convenient means of enhancing security. The use of fingerprint recognition has grown significantly in recent

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Patenting Biotech Invention

Patenting Biotech Invention

  Biotechnology is a diverse field of science that studies and utilizes biology, biological processes and organisms to formulate new products or methods that are meant to improve human living. Biotechnology and Intellectual Property are intrinsically linked given that both fields require technology and innovation

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Diverse Patent Applications

Diverse Patent Applications

For registering the patent, it is essential to file a patent application before the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, a government agency which reports to the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

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Role of a Patent Attorney

Role of a Patent Attorney

A patent attorney is qualified to advise clients about patents, along with other allied intellectual property rights. He assists the owners or inventors in filing the patent application and helps them obtain patent, as granted by the patent offices from around the world.  From individuals

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Prior Art

Prior Art

Novelty is one of the essential criteria required for a patent to be granted in India. Novelty means that the invention must be new or novel and must not have been anticipated by any published document in the world. In order to prove novelty, it

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Patentability in India

Patentability in India

A patent is an exclusive right granted to the owner of an invention, that allows him to prevent others from making, using, or selling the invention without the consent of the owner. The patent law in India is governed by The Patent Act, 1999 (hereinafter

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Can a website be patented?

Can a website be patented?

A website is an essential asset to any form of business today as it forms a part of the business identity. However, it is possible that someone else would want to exploit this asset and reap benefits from it. Is the protection of patent available

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