Category: Trademark

Rooh Afza vs Dil Afza: Trademark Dispute

Rooh Afza vs Dil Afza: Trademark Dispute

Recently, the Delhi High Court in Humdard National Foundation vs Sadar Laboratories refused to give an injunction against the defendant’s trademark ‘Dil Afza’. The case was filed by the plaintiff alleging that the defendant’s trademark is deceptively similar to their trademark ‘Rooh Afza’. Both were

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Personal Names and Trademark Protection

Personal Names and Trademark Protection

Protecting your trademark is related to multiple factors. Learn from the experts and get the guide for a comprehensive solution.

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Cybersquatting – A Menace in Digital India

Cybersquatting – A Menace in Digital India

Domain names are the most important assets in today’s digital era. All companies ensure that their domain names co-relate with their respective trademarks. It helps the consumer correlate and identify the company based on their trademark. But what does that have to do with cybersquatting?

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Role of Trademark Lawyer in India

Role of Trademark Lawyer in India

The growth of Intellectual Property Rights has led to an increase in demand for trademark lawyers in India. Trademarks have become an important part of running a business. Increasingly, businesses across India are applying for trademarks. This helps them stand out and acts as a

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Trademark Renewal in India

Trademark Renewal in India

In India, the registration of a trademark is valid for 10 years. Thus, the registered trademark should be renewed after every 10 years.  The registered proprietor can renew the trademark for 10 years either from the date of registration or from the date of last

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Trademark Opposition in India

Trademark Opposition in India

During the trademark registration procedure in India, a refusal provision can be brought against the registration of any trademark in two situations: First instance – Objection and refusal from the Indian Trade Marks Registry Second instance – Opposition from the third party after publication in

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Trademark Registration in India

Trademark Registration in India

The application for trademark registration in India is followed under Section 18 of the Trade Marks Act, 1999.  Any person who is the proprietor of the trademark used or proposed to be used may apply in the prescribed manner to the Registrar of the Trade

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Trademark Search in India

Trademark Search in India

The trademark search finds out whether a proposed trademark is available for use in connection with certain goods and services. To file a trademark Application the goods/services need to be categorized as per their Class or Classes so that the Application seeking protection is filed

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Role of trade mark attorney in India

Role of trade mark attorney in India

Trade marks have become an important part of running a business. Increasingly, businesses across India are applying for trade marks as it helps them stand out and acts a prime instrument for advertising and selling their products. Primarily, a trade mark distinguishes the goods and

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What is Trademark Search? Trademark search refers to any action taken to determine whether a trademark is used in commerce. Indian Trademark Search A trademark search is made in the Indian Trademark Registry database, similar word marks, as well as phonetically similar names in a

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