Category: Trademark

A Comprehensive Guide to Trademark Rectification

A Comprehensive Guide to Trademark Rectification

Trademark rectification is an essential procedure to amend the mistakes or inconsistencies in a registered trademark. A registered trademark can be required to make rectifications at some point due to various reason including erratum, any clerical error entered during registration of trademark, or change in

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Trademark  For Business Growth

Trademark For Business Growth

Defining Trademark A “trademark” is a mark which is used for a commercial purpose. It is also called a brand name because it contains names, symbols, logos, and taglines that help to identify and differentiate a company’s goods and services from those of others. For

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Safeguarding Personal Names

Safeguarding Personal Names

  Introduction A personal name is more than an identifier; it symbolizes individual identity, heritage, and personal history. It distinguishes us and shapes our sense of self. Additionally, a name is a crucial element of personal branding, influencing perceptions, forming first impressions, and conveying character.

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Eurasia and IP

Eurasia and IP

Introduction The Eurasian Economic Union is an economic union of states located in Central and Northern Asia and Eastern Europe. It was created in 2015. The cooperation of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Community in the field of protection and enforcement of intellectual

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Protection of Jewellery

Protection of Jewellery

Protecting jewellery with the aid of intellectual property rights is a topic of interest which sparks curiosity. While copyright is concerned with the creative part of jewellery, design is concerned with the shape, configuration, pattern, and mix of lines or colours in two or three-dimensional

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Trademark Infringement and Remedies

Trademark Infringement and Remedies

  A trademark is an instrument using which a business can set itself apart from its competitors. Indicating the goods and services offered by the business, a trademark can be any word, phrase, logo, symbol, combination of colours etc. These, individually or as a medley

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Well-Known Trade Mark

Well-Known Trade Mark

Have you ever asked the shopkeeper for a bottle of BISLERI rather than just a water bottle? Have you ever wanted a pair of PUMA shoes instead of just any local brand? Trademarks play a vital role for small and big businesses across the globe,

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How to Get a Trademark

How to Get a Trademark

In today’s digital age, virtual goods have gained tremendous popularity, opening up new opportunities for businesses and creators. Whether it’s virtual reality experiences, in-app purchases, or digital assets, protecting your brand and creations with a trademark is essential. In this article, we will explore the

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Selection of New Brands

Selection of New Brands

In the fast-paced world of business, where new brands emerge every day, protecting one’s intellectual property has become paramount. Trademarks play a crucial role in establishing brand identity and distinguishing products or services from competitors. However, before diving headfirst into branding endeavors, conducting comprehensive trademark

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Indian Trademark Registration

Indian Trademark Registration

There are several steps in the registration process of trademarks in India and the application procedure is laid down by the Trademarks Act, 1999 and Trademark Rules, 2017. The Act through Section 18 empowers the proprietor of the mark to file the application for its

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