Covfefe –2days back we haven’t heard about this word, but today suddenly it became the most searched word in the internet.
The 45th American President Donald Trump tweeted “Despite the constant negative press covfefe,”.
So, what is the meaning of the word covfefe? Is it the newest invention in the word’s world?
Though we don’t know the meaning of the word but this word is a wanna be trade mark, being subject to several trade mark applications including in the UK. But will these applications eventually succeed?
Possibility of registration:
The COVFEFE mark is distinctive, it is not descriptive of the goods covered which is not objectionable on the grounds of morality or deception or any other rule of law. Indeed, the UK IPO has allowed it to proceed to publication.
There are certain grounds under which it can also be opposed. In this matter, some assumption could arise that Trump might not approve the use of the word he accidentally coined simultaneously to (1) promote the sale of alcohol (a product that he does not care for) and (2) mock him (an activity which he positively despises).
He might reasonably argue that the mark, the registration and use of which might be intended to mock him and/or be against his values, was applied for in bad faith. However, such an opposition won’t prove as any stronger point.
The attempt to register COVFEFE raises an interesting question: where a sign is already associated with a third party, but not a third party who could object to the registration of it as a trade mark, is it right that someone can stake their claim over it to the exclusion of others?
This type of terms has already been registered in the UK and EU. like YOLO i.e “you only live once”, CHILLAX etc.
So, from the above discussion we can see that there is a high possibility of getting the trademark of the word COVFEFE due to the presence of following characteristics:
• It is distinctive in nature
• It is unique
• It is new and original
• It is not descriptive