Category: Industrial Design

Protection of Jewellery

Protection of Jewellery

Protecting jewellery with the aid of intellectual property rights is a topic of interest which sparks curiosity. While copyright is concerned with the creative part of jewellery, design is concerned with the shape, configuration, pattern, and mix of lines or colours in two or three-dimensional

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AI revolves Industrial Design

AI revolves Industrial Design

A design is that aspect of a product that constitutes its ornamental or visual features. The impact and protection of industrial design through artificial intelligence. It plays a crucial role in distinguishing a product from others in trade and depending on how appealing it is, increases

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How to satisfy the ‘novelty’ condition while registering a design?

How to satisfy the ‘novelty’ condition while registering a design?

Designs are the visual features of objects, something that is solely perceived by the eye. It could be the shape, color, arrangement of lines, surface patterns, or any combination thereof. In India, Designs are protected under the Designs Act, 2000.

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Industrial Design vs Product Design

Industrial Design vs Product Design

What is Industrial Design? Industrial design is the process of designing articles (products, devices and objects) to attract customers and improve their marketability. Individuals that make such designs are known as Industrial designers. They mainly focus on the appearance, functionality and manufacturability of an article.

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How to become an industrial designer?

How to become an industrial designer?

Industrial Design (ID) is the professional practice of designing products, devices and services which are used by people around the world. The main focus of an industrial designer is the physical appearance, functionality and manufacturability of a product although, often they go beyond the developmental

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Piracy of registered Design

Piracy of registered Design

In this blog, we explain the acts that amount to piracy of registered designs along with important case laws. We also provide the remedies available to the registered proprietor against such infringement.

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Industrial Design Registration Process

Industrial Design Registration Process

In this blog, we take a look into the design registration process in India.

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Novelty of a Design

Novelty of a Design

The goal of the Design Act is to protect and preserve original and novel designs. A design like this can be applied to a specific article that will be produced using industrial procedures or methods. An article with a unique and innovative design gives a

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Procedure For Design Registration in India

Procedure For Design Registration in India

Introduction A registered design grants the owner exclusive rights against any unauthorized copying or imitation. It can also help make the product more saleable, helping consumers identify the product with the brand. For a design to be registered under the Design Act, 2000, it must

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Design Infringement in India

Design Infringement in India

Under the Design Act of 2000 in India, if someone copies a registered design, the law considers it to be an Infringement of Design. Section 22 of the Designs Act, 2000 contains the provisions pertaining to the piracy of registered designs in India. Any false

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