Category: Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property

Trademark  For Business Growth

Trademark For Business Growth

Defining Trademark A “trademark” is a mark which is used for a commercial purpose. It is also called a brand name because it contains names, symbols, logos, and taglines that help to identify and differentiate a company’s goods and services from those of others. For

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Safeguarding Personal Names

Safeguarding Personal Names

  Introduction A personal name is more than an identifier; it symbolizes individual identity, heritage, and personal history. It distinguishes us and shapes our sense of self. Additionally, a name is a crucial element of personal branding, influencing perceptions, forming first impressions, and conveying character.

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What are the intellectual property rights for startups?

What are the intellectual property rights for startups?

What are Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)? Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) refer to the legal rights granted to individuals or businesses for their creations or inventions. These rights provide exclusive ownership and control over intangible assets, allowing creators to protect their innovations from unauthorised use, reproduction,

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Protecting Software Innovation in India

Protecting Software Innovation in India

Introduction Software refers to a compilation of instructions, data, or programs designed to operate machinery and execute specific tasks. The realm of software serves as the driving force behind modern efficiency and innovation in various industries, relying on intricate instructions and programs to accomplish specific

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IPR for Startups

IPR for Startups

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) refer to the legal rights granted to individuals or entities over creations of the mind. These rights safeguard intangible assets resulting from human creativity and innovation, allowing creators to have control and benefit from their inventions or creations. IPR primarily include

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Eurasia and IP

Eurasia and IP

Introduction The Eurasian Economic Union is an economic union of states located in Central and Northern Asia and Eastern Europe. It was created in 2015. The cooperation of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Community in the field of protection and enforcement of intellectual

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WIPO Diagnostic Tool

WIPO Diagnostic Tool

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is a specialised agency that was created with a view to promote and protect intellectual property on a global scale. It was institutionalised on April 26th, 1970 and has since made remarkable changes to the sphere of intellectual property

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Fingerprint Recognition Patent: Security in Biometric Device

Fingerprint Recognition Patent: Security in Biometric Device

In a world driven by technology, securing sensitive information while accessing various digital systems has become crucial. Fingerprint recognition, a form of biometric technology, has emerged as a reliable and convenient means of enhancing security. The use of fingerprint recognition has grown significantly in recent

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Protection of Jewellery

Protection of Jewellery

Protecting jewellery with the aid of intellectual property rights is a topic of interest which sparks curiosity. While copyright is concerned with the creative part of jewellery, design is concerned with the shape, configuration, pattern, and mix of lines or colours in two or three-dimensional

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Protection of Cultural Heritage

Protection of Cultural Heritage

There are two types of cultural heritage, tangible and intangible. Tangible heritage includes heritage sites like historical temples, palaces etc, artifacts and archaeological sites and intangible heritage includes stories passed on orally through generations, traditional handicrafts, rituals, knowledge based on use of flora and fauna

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