Category: Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property

Sephora “Drunk Elephant” caught in up a Trademark infringement case

Sephora “Drunk Elephant” caught in up a Trademark infringement case

A trademark infringement suit has been filed by the Green Heart Labs in US District Court on November 4th, claiming that Drunk Elephant Brand of Sephora (online and in stores) is infringing the mark ‘Aha! Moment’. According to the lawsuit, even after the notice was

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Trade Mark Registration in Bangladesh

Trade Mark Registration in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, the laws related to trademark are governed by the Trade Marks Act 2009 and the Trade Marks Rules, 1963 and is obtained through the Department of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (DPDT). The pre-required essentials for filling of Trademark Application are Name of the

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Bio-piracy and Traditional Knowledge.

Bio-piracy and Traditional Knowledge.

Bio-piracy may be understood as the commercialisation of genetic or traditional knowledge of rural and indigenous people. There have been many attempts to patent traditional knowledge or ancient wisdom of indigenous communities. In 1995 such an attempt was made, when two Indian scientists tried to

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The BREXIT Effect

The BREXIT Effect

With the masses of United Kingdom choosing to leave the European Union, it has raised many questions about its affects on various arenas of Trade and Law that the EU system had self sustained itself in. One of the major concerns is regarding Intellectual Property

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The Role of Patent Attorney in India

The Role of Patent Attorney in India

For registering a Patent in India it is necessary to take the initiative very professionally to prepare and submit all the relevant documents before the Patent Office, Government of India. To ensure the patentability of a specific invention would be protected by the patent laws

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Patent Registration in India – Procedures & Aspects

Patent Registration in India – Procedures & Aspects

In India, according to the Patent Act of 1970, an application for a patent can be filed by the true inventor for the protection of the invention, or an assignee or a legal representative. The person, who first applies for a patent, is entitled to

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