The subject matter of Copyright or any application for copyright registration in India can be searched based on information available at the database of the Copyright Office, India. The database acts as a source of all Copyright records. It has valuable information about the public domain status and copyright ownership. You can search for either a registered Copyright or the status of your application by going to the database of the Copyright Office, India.
How to do a Copyright search?
A copyright search can be conducted by entering the Applicant’s name, the title of the work, ROC number, and Diary number provided by the database of the Copyright Office. You can fill out any or all the above options to get a successful search result.
After the copyright search is conducted, a list of matching copyrights is displayed. For instance, if the search has been made using the applicant’s name, the list shows all the copyrights registered by that name. Further, one can view the application details such as type of work, publication status, etc.