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International Conference on Intellectual Property Rights

International Conference on Intellectual Property Rights

An international conference on Intellectual Property rights and Innovation Management was organised by Satyabhama Institute of Science and Technology where all national and international prominent figures and association in the field of IPR were invited.
Many retired chairpersons of IPAB and many renowned personalities of Intellectual Property were present in the conference.
Our firm had the honour to be invited in the conference, where many eminent personalities communicated their resourceful knowledge and ideas on IPR to the students of the institute. We had enlightened the students and the attendees on the topic related to the linkage between the IPR and knowledge driven economy.
Many of us know that our economic system has changed in past years, most importantly, in the previous times our economy was highly influenced by the land and agriculture but in past few years the agricultural inclined influence on the economy had been easing out. Now the economy of the country is mostly knowledge driven because of the popularization of e- economy since its inception.
The word Knowledge driven economy was coined by OECD in early 1996. This kind of economy is directly based on the production, distribution and use of knowledge and information. Knowledge driven economy depends on innovative business, which helps to build Intellectual Property Rights and protection of IPR advances International Conference on Intellectual Property Rightsthe economy of the country.

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