With the Indian Government recently putting a 30% tax on any profit earned through the cryptocurrency market, how far along is it that the fate of NFTs will be sealed the same way? Just like crypto, NFTs use blockchain technology such as Ethereum and smart contacts (Binance Smart Chain), creating unique digital signatures making it very secure.
Currently, a bill is making its rounds in the parliament, called, Banning of Cryptocurrency & Regulation of Official Digital Currency Bill, 2021. Which seeks to prohibit mining, generating, selling, holding, transferring, disposing of, dealing in, issuing of, or using Cryptocurrency in India. Cryptocurrencies in India have a Trillion-Dollar Market value, but there will be a shift in paradigm given the current scenario of the legislative bodies trying to regulate this newly popularised market.
NFTs, although they operate on similar blockchain technology such as cryptocurrencies, could not be any more dissimilar. NFTs include digital assets and other intellectual property like images, video files, audio files that one could purchase and hold exclusive rights to, while cryptocurrencies are fundamentally used to purchase such exclusive tokens.
With the most valued NFT sold at 11.7 Million Dollars, it is clear that NFTs will continue to have a bright future in the capitalist space. However, the solution to regulate the market should lie in innovative regulatory laws and not its perpetual obliteration through banning the market.