Most of us know that Registering a Trade Mark or even using it for enough time, so as to develop a secondary meaning, gives us legal rights. But what happens when we don’t act on these rights? To know, read further.
Read MoreBe it in music, literature, movies, or even software that our lives would be incomplete without, most of us are aware of the concept of copyrights. But, did you know that there exists a practice of ‘copyleft’ too? To know more about it, read further.
Read MoreThe International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) was established in 1966 in New York and is a religious organization with an international presence. The organization has registered its name, abbreviation thereof (ISKCON) and device under various classes including Class 25 i.e., clothing, footwear and headwear.
Read MoreIn our previous blogs, we have discussed the need for protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions (TCE) as well as the formulation of policies and institutions for the same. This would be incomplete without pointing out the systems that we already have in place in India
Read MoreIn furtherance of our previous blog which recognised the need for protection of the Intellectual Property (IP) involved in Traditional Cultural expressions (TCE), this article discusses the Legal and Institutional Initiatives that Nations or bodies may use to pave a way for their protection.
Read MoreTraditional Cultural Expressions may be defined as productions that consist of characteristic elements of traditional artistic heritage developed and maintained by a community or individuals reflecting the values of that community. This may include verbal expressions, such as poetry, folk tales, words or signs;
Read MoreDesigns are the visual features of objects, something that is solely perceived by the eye. It could be the shape, color, arrangement of lines, surface patterns, or any combination thereof. In India, Designs are protected under the Designs Act, 2000.
Read MoreThe name “Amul” has attained an iconic status in India. So much so that even if a third party uses the name Amul for goods other than dairy products, consumers will assume that it is still a product of the original proprietor. It means only
Read MoreThe growth of internet and internet related facilities have made brands shift a major part of their business online, some generating the entirety of their income through online sales. With the rise in such services, these companies have also become susceptible to different forms of
Read MoreAs anti-smoking sentiment grows throughout the world, governments have increased restrictions on tobacco companies limiting the way they express these brands through advertising and packaging. Presently, governments of more than 100 countries have decided to include mandatory pictorial health warnings on tobacco packs to increase
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