A Geographical Indication (GI) sign is used on products that have a specific geographical origin and possesses qualities or a reputation that is due to that origin. A GI protection gives an assurance of quality and distinctiveness due to its origin in the particular geographical
Read MoreAn attractive smell to one country may be a disgusting distraction for another. In the United States, “new car smell” is a premium scent. People often try to make their car smell like a new one with various cleaning products. But, the same odor is
Read MoreNusret Gökçe, also known as Salt Bae, is a Turkish chef who runs a steakhouse chain. His technique for frying and preparing meat has been legendary. He’s been well-known for the way he slices meat and salts it in a ‘elegant’ manner. In January 2017,
Read MoreWHAT IS A PATENT A patent is an exclusive right granted by the government to the inventor for an invention which is a new and inventive solution to an existing technological problem. WHAT CAN BE PATENTED An invention with the following characteristics is eligible to
Read MoreA lengthy legal dispute between two Dutch cheese manufacturers has been resolved by the European Union’s highest court. Levola Hengelo, a company that produces a herb and veggie-filled cheese spread, said that a competitor’s product tasted similar and infringed on its patent. Taste cannot be
Read MoreWHAT IS COPYRIGHT Copyright is a bundle of rights given to the creators of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works and producers of cinematograph films and sound recordings. This bundle of rights also includes rights of reproduction, communication to the public, adaptation and translation of
Read More1. Kellogg Co. v. National Biscuit Co. In 1893, Henry Perky began making a pillow-shaped cereal and named it Shredded Whole Wheat. John Harvey Kellogg said that eating the cereal was like “eating a whisk broom” and there were several criticisms calling it “shredded doormat”.
Read MoreWHAT IS A TRADEMARK A trademark is a visual symbol to distinguish the goods or services from other similar goods or services originating from different businesses. It can be word or words, name, label, numerals or combination of colors legally registered or established by use
Read MoreWhat is a Trademark? A trademark is known as a Brand mark in layman’s language. It is an unique markrepresented graphically creating identity of goods or services of one person from those of others and may include shape of goods, their packaging, colors or any
Read MorePatent is an essential branch under an umbrella of Intellectual Property that deals with the protection of Inventions and innovations. It is an authority or license given by the Government conferring a right or title of monopoly to the inventor for a set period of
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