Copyright is an exclusive right, where none other than the author of the work is permitted to make use of it- this can extend even to derivative works such as adaptations or translations. In such a situation, registering a copyright becomes important for an author
Read MoreIn this present age of information, one can find adequate material on almost anything- and incorporate the said material into reports, articles, videos, or presentations to display as one’s own. This is where the issue of copyright creeps in- if the student is, in fact,
Read MoreRoald Dahl did not like the first film adaptation of his book, ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’, thus, a second one was created. India’s Mannu Bhandari too, faced a difference in creative opinion when she assigned the cinematograph rights of her book ‘Aap ka Bunty’,
Read MoreSection 60 provides that where a patent has ceased to have effect by reason of failure to pay any renewal fee within the period prescribed under section 53 or within the period as may be allowed under section 142(4), the patentee or his legal representative
Read MorePatent means a grant of some privilege or authority made by the Government to one or more individuals. The term ‘Patent’ acquired statutory meaning in India, when the Patent Act, 1970 was promulgated. Patent under the Act is granted from the Government to the inventor
Read MoreIntellectual property is the creation of the mind. Such creations may vary from literary and artistic works, inventions to symbols, names and images used for commercial purposes. Intellectual property can be classified into (a) Industrial Property such as Patents, Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indication;
Read MoreIntroduction In the past 60 years, innovation and technology have made great strides. Inventions in any field require a huge amount of capital for R &D. Without patents, it is estimated R&D outlays would be reduced by 64%, jeopardizing the well-being of the future innovation
Read MorePeople often wonder that how to protect the name of their individual work, be it a book, song, software composition, or anything else? Protecting names can be challenging as copyright does not cover protections of names, titles, or short phrases. This leaves us with remedies
Read MoreIndia is one of a handful of countries where a Muslim man can divorce his wife in minutes by saying the word talaq (divorce) three times. The landmark court decision came in response to petitions challenging the so-called “triple talaq” custom. The cases were filed
Read MorePlant products cannot be marketed as “dairy,” was stated by the European Court of Justice. TofuTown which is a German Company, produces and distributes vegetarian and vegan foods. In particular, it promotes and distributes purely plant-based products under the designations ‘Soyatoo Tofu butter’, ‘Plant cheese’, ‘Veggie
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