In the year 2004 Cadbury applied to register the shade of the color purple known as Pantone 2685C as a trademark in relation to goods which fall under the Intellectual Property Office’s class 30. Their application for the registration declared that the trademark would be
Read MoreTrademark Law in India is passing through a remarkable and progressive phase. Trademark registrations in India have increased over the last decade or so as India is becoming one the preferred destination for commercial activities. Trademark registration in India is regulated by the Trademark Act
Read MoreFor registering a Patent in India it is necessary to take the initiative very professionally to prepare and submit all the relevant documents before the Patent Office, Government of India. To ensure the patentability of a specific invention would be protected by the patent laws
Read MoreIt is commonly seen that people remain confused between brand and trademark of a company. The two concepts, despite many similarities have different purposes and nature that people either overlook, or are not aware of. What is Brand Name In common parlance, the brand name
Read MoreThe term Industrial Design, is known as the design, the surface pattern or the shape associated with a product or an article which is unique in nature. The monopoly rights related to intellectual property laws ensure the protection of such industrial design in India under
Read MoreIn India, according to the Patent Act of 1970, an application for a patent can be filed by the true inventor for the protection of the invention, or an assignee or a legal representative. The person, who first applies for a patent, is entitled to
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