Tag: Trademark

Trademark Infringement and Remedies

Trademark Infringement and Remedies

  A trademark is an instrument using which a business can set itself apart from its competitors. Indicating the goods and services offered by the business, a trademark can be any word, phrase, logo, symbol, combination of colours etc. These, individually or as a medley

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How to Get a Trademark

How to Get a Trademark

In today’s digital age, virtual goods have gained tremendous popularity, opening up new opportunities for businesses and creators. Whether it’s virtual reality experiences, in-app purchases, or digital assets, protecting your brand and creations with a trademark is essential. In this article, we will explore the

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Protection of Cultural Heritage

Protection of Cultural Heritage

There are two types of cultural heritage, tangible and intangible. Tangible heritage includes heritage sites like historical temples, palaces etc, artifacts and archaeological sites and intangible heritage includes stories passed on orally through generations, traditional handicrafts, rituals, knowledge based on use of flora and fauna

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Indian Trademark Registration

Indian Trademark Registration

There are several steps in the registration process of trademarks in India and the application procedure is laid down by the Trademarks Act, 1999 and Trademark Rules, 2017. The Act through Section 18 empowers the proprietor of the mark to file the application for its

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Santa Claus at free zone

Santa Claus at free zone

The question which arises, if the character of Santa Claus is so widely used and to gain commercially benefits by attracting consumers, then who owns it and how is the intellectual property rights of the proprietor protected.

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Blockchain and IP

Blockchain and IP

Blockchain offers a near unmistakable record of information, it has a plethora of uses in the management of Intellectual Property. It can aid in the verification of the original creators and inventors of a particular work or invention. Not only can it assist the creators

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Role of a Trademark Attorney

Role of a Trademark Attorney

While the online registration process of a trademark looks like an easy process, it contains intricate nuances which only a trained and professional practitioner would know. Therefore, it is always advisable to hire a knowledgeable Trademark Attorney, when registering one’s trademark.

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Effect of acquiescence in Trade Marks

Effect of acquiescence in Trade Marks

Most of us know that Registering a Trade Mark or even using it for enough time, so as to develop a secondary meaning, gives us legal rights. But what happens when we don’t act on these rights? To know, read further.

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The case of ISKCON Bangalore and ISKCON Mumbai

The case of ISKCON Bangalore and ISKCON Mumbai

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) was established in 1966 in New York and is a religious organization with an international presence. The organization has registered its name, abbreviation thereof (ISKCON) and device under various classes including Class 25 i.e., clothing, footwear and headwear.

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What are well known trademarks?

What are well known trademarks?

The name “Amul” has attained an iconic status in India. So much so that even if a third party uses the name Amul for goods other than dairy products, consumers will assume that it is still a product of the original proprietor. It means only

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