Tag: Intellectual property

Protection of Cultural Heritage

Protection of Cultural Heritage

There are two types of cultural heritage, tangible and intangible. Tangible heritage includes heritage sites like historical temples, palaces etc, artifacts and archaeological sites and intangible heritage includes stories passed on orally through generations, traditional handicrafts, rituals, knowledge based on use of flora and fauna

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Indian Trademark Registration

Indian Trademark Registration

There are several steps in the registration process of trademarks in India and the application procedure is laid down by the Trademarks Act, 1999 and Trademark Rules, 2017. The Act through Section 18 empowers the proprietor of the mark to file the application for its

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Safeguarding Musical Work

Safeguarding Musical Work

Copyright infringement disrupts the exclusive right of the copyright holder, who is usually the music producer in the case of musical works, to gain commercial benefits from their copyright protected works. Copyright involves the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the original work.

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Santa Claus at free zone

Santa Claus at free zone

The question which arises, if the character of Santa Claus is so widely used and to gain commercially benefits by attracting consumers, then who owns it and how is the intellectual property rights of the proprietor protected.

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Securing Original Photographs

Securing Original Photographs

Photographs are under the subject matter of copyright which means that photographs are artistic works that attract copyright protection.

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Diverse Patent Applications

Diverse Patent Applications

For registering the patent, it is essential to file a patent application before the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, a government agency which reports to the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

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Blockchain and IP

Blockchain and IP

Blockchain offers a near unmistakable record of information, it has a plethora of uses in the management of Intellectual Property. It can aid in the verification of the original creators and inventors of a particular work or invention. Not only can it assist the creators

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Role of a Patent Attorney

Role of a Patent Attorney

A patent attorney is qualified to advise clients about patents, along with other allied intellectual property rights. He assists the owners or inventors in filing the patent application and helps them obtain patent, as granted by the patent offices from around the world.  From individuals

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Prior Art

Prior Art

Novelty is one of the essential criteria required for a patent to be granted in India. Novelty means that the invention must be new or novel and must not have been anticipated by any published document in the world. In order to prove novelty, it

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Role of a Trademark Attorney

Role of a Trademark Attorney

While the online registration process of a trademark looks like an easy process, it contains intricate nuances which only a trained and professional practitioner would know. Therefore, it is always advisable to hire a knowledgeable Trademark Attorney, when registering one’s trademark.

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